Reach The Unreached


Compensation for an Ambassador of Christ

Our desire is to help Christians who want to give to those working among the Unreached.

Our job at Reach The Unreached is to help Christians who aren’t working among the Unreached, have a part in establishing God’s Kingdom among the Unreached.

Our promise is to get your support into the hands of those doing the work.

Don’t you think those working on the “front lines” of establishing God’s Kingdom should be appropriately compensated? So often, those who are working hard to establish a “beach head” and beyond, are barely able to make ends meet. As ambassadors of Christ, shouldn’t they be compensated as such?

Reach The Unreached has an ever growing list of these missionaries to the Unreached that need support.

Because of security issues with those who are working among Unreached people groups that live in the “10/40 Window,” names can not be made public. The often used “adopt-a-missionary” can’t be implemented. By creating our list of needy workers from profiles given to us by the field directors of mission agencies, we can monitor the effectiveness of the workers through reports from the workers themselves, as well as from the field directors.

Do your part…

Do Your Part – A Latte A Day

We are currently sending monthly support to missionaries working among the Unreached.

We have a list of workers who are working to reach the Unreached.  These workers are currently living on very little and need additional support to continue their ministry of living among the Unreached and exposing the Unreached to the Good News of the Gospel.

Generous donations are needed.  Would you consider giving the equivalent of a-latte-a-day to Reach The Unreached?  Your investment in establishing God’s Kingdom where it has yet to be established would go directly into the hands of those working to do just that!

$2.75 per day would go a long way to help support those willing to go and live among the Unreached.  Can you imagine being part of an initial group of 1,000  “World Christians” giving a-latte-a-day for the purpose of reaching the remaining Unreached people groups?

That’s $1,000,000 each year invested in establishing God’s Kingdom among the Unreached.


ZIMBABWEANS ministering in INDIA

P and S’s Ministry Profile

(Names abbreviated to 1st letters only, for security purposes)

S and I are both Zimbabweans. I have been with a missionary organization for the last 16 years. During the first 8 years I was serving in different roles in my home country. What got me into missions was learning about the unreached and the needs within the 10/40 window. It came as a shock that there existed people who had never heard about Christ. What amazed me was that the church in Zimbabwe didn’t seem to know about this or they were indifferent to what was happening.

In October 2004 we moved to South Varanasi, India where we joined a church planting team which mainly focused on sharing the Good News in culturally relevant ways to High Caste Hindus. We have been doing this through friendship building with the Hindu family we reside with and many others in the community. The first 2 years in South Varanasi were primarily focused on ministry through language learning (Hindi) and cultural acquisition. Now we are both fluent in Hindi and are continuing to do our best to understand the complexities of Hindu and Indian culture.

Besides being church planters, I am also involved in leadership coaching of other church planting leaders and teams in North India. My aim as church planting coach is to help church planters be effective and remain focused on seeing church planting movements. During the past year I have been involved in designing and implementing a coaching system for my mission organization’s church planters in North India. Our goal is to see less needless attrition, discouragement and to help church planters improve their own God-given, field-driven strategies.

S has a passion for Indian women and works closely with a number of women in the community. We have two kids, a 3 year old son (turns 3 on the 15th of January) and a one month old daughter, both of whom were born here in India.

Our greatest needs right now are for a bigger, more spacious apartment with a yard for our kids to play in and money for transportation to visit and coach out-of-town church planting teams. We need an extra $100 a month for the apartment and about $150 a month for out-of-town church planting ministry.

Our long term vision is to help facilitate church planting movements in North India by planting fellowships that are culturally relevant and coaching indigenous fellowship leaders who will in turn plant more churches among the Unreached. As we work towards the fulfillment of this vision we look forward to continuous partnership with you.


P and S

Bicycles Needed, Monthly Support Also

A Recent Request From a Group Working With the Unreached in Pakistan.

“We have several house churches and fellowships in North Pakistan, with hundreds of new believers.  Please join us in prayers for urgently needed bicycles for church planters, Urdu Bibles for our mission teams, teaching materials and monthly support for barefoot pastors on the front-lines.  Your prayer and support always have been a great encouragement for us.  I hope to hear from you.”

We have never seen a wedding like this

“We have never seen a wedding like this,” said the smiling cousin of the groom as he greeted Dany (not his real name), a church planter among his own Wadar people.

The Wadar are some of the poorest people in Maharashtra, India.  For many, the main livelihood is cutting rocks.

It was the wedding of Shankar, one of the first believers in a church planting work in Pune, India.  Shankar grew up as a neglected orphan, yet somehow tied an influential extended family.  The family had been happy when he had quite school to start earning a meager living as a digger.  When he accepted Jesus, he eagerly began to learn about God and obey Him.  His family pressured him to marry a Hindu girl of their choice and when he refused, they disinherited him.

When he later announced his engagement to another believing Wadar girl, a relative of Shankar’s named Hanuman showed up to confront the church planter Dany at his home, with a gun and a gang of thugs.

Dany, a former gang leader, had grown up not knowing anything about Jesus or Christianity, except that Christians were bad.  When he was a young adult he started to persecute Christians.  Eventually when he was away in another city looking for work, he learned of God and acknowledged Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and made Him lord of his life.  As a result, Dany could not go back to his home town as people there wanted to persecute him.

Later after getting married, Dany wanted to reach his own people group.  He and his wife Noel (not her real name) moved to Pune in 2001 and began a work among the Wadar.  At that time, there were over 2 million Wadar with no church or organization working among them.  They had no written language, no Bible, no Christian literature, or worship songs in their language.

“We do not want to fight,” said Dany, a veteran of many such fights, as he calmly and deliberately reasoned with Hanuman and the gang.

Five weeks later a smiling Hanuman and his family were among the few relatives that showed up for Shankar’s wedding, bringing a generous gift. Wadar weddings are often marked by loud drunken brawls, usually over the value of the gifts or the quality of food.  But this wedding was different – peaceful and full of goodwill for the bridal couple.

Shankar and his wife to be received pre-marital counseling to help them truly partner together in life, as well as in ministry.  Such an approach is important among the Wadar as the Gospel begins to penetrate the foundation of human relationships.  Helping Shankar to leave behind the model of dominating, violent, and alcoholic men, and to genuinely love his new wife is huge.

Shankar is now one of the leading elders, and in charge of one of the 4 house churches planted in the city. He is still unable to read or write but he learns and teaches through story telling.

The work among the Wadar continues to grow with more churches, a shortwave radio broadcast in Wadari and the first Wadari worship CD.  Now with 600-800 known believers, the Wadari are being reached and transformed by the Gospel.

Dany, Noel and their two daughters live in a one bedroom apartment. They are quite happy there, but all the rents in Pune are going up and they need more monthly support to help pay for the apartment and not have to move.

Ravi in Andhra Pradesh

In his college days, Ravi was a self-proclaimed atheist and communist.  He was the leader of a political student group at his college, and was severely injured by an opposing political group during a demonstration.  While in the hospital one of his attending nurses shared the Gospel with him, but he rejected her every word.  For four days the nurse prayed and persevered, and on the fourth day Ravi understood his situation with God and decided to follow Christ.

After a time Ravi knew God had called him to ministry. However, Ravi was now married, and his wife was not convinced. She knew a life of ministry would not be easy. So Ravi fasted and prayed for fifteen days, asking God to change his wife’s heart. God answered and together they decided they would follow God, no matter the consequences.

Over the next several years, Ravi and his wife planted two churches and during that time had two sons. Times were difficult however, and one of their sons developed a life-threatening sickness. Unable to afford medicine, Ravi and his wife watched as their first-born son went to be with the Lord. The following year their younger son fell down a well in the village. Again, unable to pay for the medical attention necessary to save him, he too died.

Wracked with grief, Ravi and his wife clung to God even more closely and pressed in to the work God had called them to. The two churches they had planted continued to grow. Ravi was introduced to the director of an established ministry that equipped nationals to plant churches and reach nationals for Jesus Christ. Ravi was invited to join this church planting network. As part of the network, Ravi received theological training, resources and coaching to help him in his calling. He began receiving a monthly stipend to lighten the burden of providing for his family.

Today, Pastor Ravi oversees the entire network of church planters in the state of Andhra Pradesh. God has blessed Ravi and his wife with two beautiful daughters, and together they continue to plant churches and proclaim the Gospel in India.

Joshua Project

Joshua Project, a ministry of the U.S. Center for World Mission is an incredible resource for understanding the task remaining as it relates to Unreached people groups.  Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Christ.

Joshua Project seeks to answer the questions that result from the Great Commission’s call to make disciples among every nation or people group:

  • Who are the ethnic people groups of the world?
  • Which people groups still need an initial church-planting movement in their midst?
  • What ministry resources are available to help outreach among the least-reached?

In doing so, they have gathered in depth statistics on the over 6,500 people groups that are Unreached/least-reached, based on the criteria of less than 2% Evangelical and less than 5% Christian adherents.

They have great graphics and tools to be able to locate where in the world the different Unreached people groups are located.  One of the coolest tools they have is “Unreached in Google Earth.”  You can zoom in around the world and see where the Unreached are located and get specifics on each of the different groups.

They also have a graphic on their start page called “Find Unreached People,” where you can drag your curser across a map of the world and as you do so, the “Unreached people group status” of each country pops up.

The Joshua Project is one comprehensive website.  Spend some time looking it over and get an idea of what’s left to do as it relates to finishing the task of going and making disciples of all the nations/peoples.

Urbana Alumni

Urbana – InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s triennial student mission convention held at the University of Illinois at Champaign has had some 225,000 attendees since its first get together in 1946.

If you are an alum of Urbana, you’ve been challenged to participate in the Great Commission. After attending Urbana, whether it was the last one in December or one of the conventions earlier on, you’ve no doubt thought “how can I be involved, how can I make a difference in reaching the Unreached people of the world?”

Reach The Unreached would like to help you to have a part in reaching the remaining Unreached people groups in the world.  We would like to help you be an integral part in fulfilling the Great Commission

If you’re like those of us who are involved with Reach The Unreached, you’ve had a desire to get your gifts invested with those who are “in the field,” actually doing the work of reaching the people groups still lacking a viable body of Christian believers.

There are some 16,000 people groups in the world today, and of those, over 6,000 are still Unreached.  They don’t have an indigenous community of believing Christians able to evangelize their own, resulting in the establishment of a significant witness among their culture.  This is a gaping hole in the fulfillment of the Great Commission!

We can help you get your donations into the hands of those who have made the commitment to live among the Unreached, endeavoring to establish God’s Kingdom.  We’ve made it easy for Urbana alumni to invest in the Kingdom, as it relates to supporting those who are on the “frontlines” living among the Unreached people groups.

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Thousands of Christians have taken the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Study Program.  After going through Perspectives, thousands of Christians have been faced with, and are now still faced with, “how can I” and “how should I” be involved in the World Christian Movement.  “How can I make a difference in reaching the Unreached people of the world?” Reach the Unreached would like to work with the Alumni of the Perspective Study Program.

After understanding God’s work throughout history to bring His Kingdom to those where it has yet to be established, the participants of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement need to be involved.

For those of us who aren’t called to go as missionaries, we must be involved in supporting the work of establishing indigenous communities of believing Christians, who are then able to evangelize their people, resulting in the establishment of God’s Kingdom among all the nations/ethnos.

Nobody understands better than those who have taken the Perspectives Study Program, the desire God has to introduce to every people group what Jesus has done for them.

Now is the time to get involved by supporting those willing to live their lives among the Unreached.  Your donations to Reach the Unreached will go directly to support these missionaries and to projects that will enhance their effectiveness.

We can get your gifts into the hands of those frontline workers involved in establishing God’s Kingdom where it has yet to be established.

Be Part of Something That Matters…To God!

We need to be involved in what matters to God. His desire is that we all be fully devoted followers of Christ. As such, we are to be involved in leading people of every nation (ethnos) to become fully devoted followers of Christ. After nearly 2,000 years there are still thousands of people groups (ethnos) that don’t have an adequate Christian witness living among them. Let’s do something about this!

Jesus’ last words – His last request, as it were – to his disciples was the Great Commission – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (ethnos).” Matthew 28:19

Today there are still more than 6,000 Unreached people groups that don’t have a significant number of disciples among their own.

As Jesus’ “last request,” it seems of the utmost importance that we be involved in fulfilling our Lord’s request. Reaching the Unreached peoples of the world needs to be at the forefront of our efforts as World Christians. It’s not enough to leave it to missionaries to fulfill Jesus’ last request. As it is, only 4% of those working as missionaries are working among Unreached people groups.  Additionally, less than 2% of the money given to “foreign missions” goes to the work of reaching Unreached people groups.

That’s not a very good response to a “last request” – especially a “last request” from the Lord of the universe and the Lord of our lives.

Each of us who are followers of Christ need to be involved in this endeavor, working together with Christians around the world to reach the remaining Unreached people groups of the world. God’s desire is to have at a minimum, a “beach-head” of “culturally close” Christians living within each of the over 6,000 Unreached people groups.  But what if each of us was involved according to our ability, to do more than just the minimum, and collectively worked together to see God’s Kingdom come where it has yet to be established.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations (ethnos), and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

What if we give to such a degree, investing in what matters to God, and support “culturally close” Christians who are eager to reach the Unreached people groups throughout the world.

After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9